Painting 3D Prints: A Comprehensive Guide to Stunning Results

By - Hammad Mustafa
| Published -
July 23, 2024

Introduction to Painting 3D Prints

Painting 3D prints transforms your models into vibrant, detailed works of art. Not only does it enhance appearance, but it also protects and customizes your prints. This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about painting 3D-printed parts, ensuring you achieve professional results.

Preparing Your 3D Print for Painting

Choosing the Right Material

Different materials require different preparation techniques:

  • PLA: Easy to print, but may need more surface preparation.
  • ABS: Strong and durable, but can be tricky to paint due to warping.
  • PETG: Tough and less prone to warping, but harder to sand.
  • Resin: Offers fine details but requires thorough cleaning.

Cleaning the Print Thoroughly

Before painting, clean your print to remove any residual glue, dust, or oils:

  • Remove support structures: Carefully trim using flush cutters or tweezers.
  • Alcohol bath: Soak the print in isopropyl alcohol to clean the surface.
  • Curing: Ensure the print is fully cured, especially for resin prints.

[$ Image prompt: “Cleaning a 3D printed model with isopropyl alcohol” $] Alt text: “3D printed model being cleaned with isopropyl alcohol.”

Filling and Smoothing Imperfections

To achieve a smooth surface:

  • Filler primer: Apply to fill small imperfections.
  • Putty: Use for larger gaps or holes.

Sanding and Surface Smoothing

Sanding is crucial for a smooth finish:

  • 220 grit sandpaper: Start with this to remove major imperfections.
  • Finer grits: Progressively use finer grits for a smoother surface.
  • Tools: Use rotary tools, hand files, and tack cloth for detailed smoothing.

[$ Image prompt: “Sanding a 3D printed model” $] Alt text: “3D printed model being sanded for a smooth finish.”

Priming Your 3D Print

Why Priming is Essential

Priming hides flaws like step-marks and layer lines, creating a smooth surface for painting.

Types of Primers

  • Spray primer: Easy to apply and covers large areas quickly.
  • Brush-on primer: Good for detailed areas and small touch-ups.

How to Apply Primer

  • Even coating: Apply primer in thin, even coats.
  • Swirling technique: Helps cover the model evenly.
  • Drying time: Allow adequate drying time between coats.

[$ Image prompt: “Applying primer to a 3D printed model” $] Alt text: “3D printed model being primed with a spray can.”

Choosing the Right Paint for 3D Prints

Types of Paints

  • Acrylic: Versatile and easy to clean up.
  • Enamel: Durable and offers a hard finish.
  • Spray paint: Great for large areas and smooth finishes.

Factors to Consider

  • Paint adhesion: Ensure the paint sticks well to the primer.
  • Finish: Choose between matte, gloss, and semi-gloss based on your preference.

Exploring Painting Without Primer

  • Pros: Saves time and materials.
  • Cons: Colors may appear duller and paint might not adhere as well.

Painting Techniques for 3D Prints

Basic Techniques

  • Brush painting: Good for small areas and details.
  • Spray painting: Provides an even coat over large areas.

Advanced Techniques

  • Airbrushing: Offers fine control and smooth gradients.
  • Dry brushing: Adds highlights and textures.
  • Weathering effects: Creates a realistic, worn look.
  • Layering fluorescent colors: Adds vibrant effects.
  • Using black and white undercoats: Enhances skin tones and shading.

Tools and Equipment

  • Hairdryer: Speeds up drying time.
  • Laser for detailing: Adds fine details with precision.

Dealing with Challenges

  • Overspray: Use masking tape to protect areas you don’t want painted.
  • Painting details: Use fine brushes for intricate work.
  • Avoid brush strokes: Use high-quality brushes and thin coats.

[$ Image prompt: “Airbrushing a 3D printed model” $] Alt text: “Using an airbrush to paint a 3D printed model.”

Sealing and Finishing the Painted 3D Print

Why Seal Your Painted Print?

Sealing protects the paint and enhances durability.

Types of Sealants

  • Matte: Provides a non-reflective finish.
  • Gloss: Adds shine and vibrancy.
  • Satin: Offers a balance between matte and gloss.

Application Techniques

  • Spray sealants: Easy to apply and cover evenly.
  • Brush-on sealants: Good for small areas and touch-ups.

[$ Image prompt: “Applying a sealant to a painted 3D print” $] Alt text: “Sealing a painted 3D printed model for protection.”

Specific Case Studies and Examples

Video Summaries

  • Improving 3D print painting: Focus on good supports, quality printers, and proper exposure settings.
  • Painting without primer: Results and techniques for a Captain Planet statue.
  • Model transformations: Before and after examples of painted 3D prints.

Before and After Transformations

  • Simple models: Basic figurines and toys.
  • Complex models: Detailed characters and intricate designs.

[$ Image prompt: “Before and after transformation of a painted 3D print” $] Alt text: “Comparison of a 3D print before and after painting.”

Tips and Tricks for Painting 3D Prints

Improving Paint Adhesion

  • Surface preparation tips: Ensure the surface is clean and smooth.
  • Choosing the right primer and paint: Match the primer to the paint for best results.

Achieving Professional Results

  • Practice and patience: Take your time and practice techniques.
  • Investing in quality tools and materials: Use high-quality brushes, paints, and primers.
  • Simplifying non-focal areas: Focus on key details for a visually appealing result.

[$ Image prompt: “High-quality brushes and paints for 3D prints” $] Alt text: “Collection of high-quality brushes and paints for detailed work.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Painting 3D Prints

  • Can I paint directly on the 3D print without priming?
    • Yes, but colors may appear duller and adhesion might not be as strong.
  • How long does the paint take to dry on 3D prints?
    • It depends on the type of paint, but it generally takes between 1-2 hours.
  • What’s the best type of paint for resin 3D prints?
    • Acrylic paint is recommended for its versatility and ease of use.
  • How do I avoid brush strokes when painting?
    • Use high-quality brushes and apply thin, even coats.
  • Can I paint flexible 3D prints?
    • Yes, you can paint flexible 3D prints, but it’s important to use flexible paints or additives to prevent cracking. Acrylic paints mixed with a fabric medium work well.
  • Do I need to sand my 3D print before painting?
    • Yes, sanding is recommended to smooth out layer lines and improve paint adhesion. Start with 220-grit sandpaper and progress to finer grits for a smoother finish.
  • How do I achieve a glossy finish on my 3D print?
    • Use a gloss spray sealant or clear coat after painting. Apply multiple thin coats for a shiny, durable finish.
  • What’s the best way to paint small details on 3D prints?
    • Use fine-detail brushes or an airbrush for precise control. Masking tape can also help protect areas you don’t want to paint.
  • Can I use regular household paints on 3D prints?
    • While you can use household paints, specialized model paints like acrylics and enamels provide better results and adhesion.


Painting 3D prints can elevate your projects from simple models to stunning, professional-looking pieces. You can achieve beautiful and durable results by following the steps outlined in this guide—preparing your print, choosing the right primer and paint, applying various painting techniques, and sealing the final product. Remember, patience and practice are key to mastering the art of painting 3D prints. Happy painting!

[$ Image prompt: “Finished and painted 3D printed models” $] Alt text: “Beautifully painted 3D printed models showcasing different techniques and finishes.”

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